LivingDNA Announces New “Family Networks” features

Today was the start of RootsTech, a huge genealogy conference that happens each year in Salt Lake City, and one of the highlights of the first day was an announcement by LivingDNA: later this year they will be releasing new "Family Networks" features that look really exciting! Not only will you be able to review your DNA matches, but LivingDNA will attempt to reconstruct your family tree based solely on your DNA, gender, and age.

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Here's a video preview:

These features look like they're going to be awesome, but I expect that they're going to need quite a large database to make this work well. To that end, they're offering discounts on their test right now. If you haven't tested with LivingDNA, now's a great time! Be sure to use the promo code below.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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